
The patient and samples preparation for laboratory diagnostics

Dear patients,

In order to obtain accurate laboratory results, your adequate preparation is of great importance.

The food, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, physiological cycle in women, physical activity are some of the factors that can strongly affect the accuracy of the results, so please follow the instructions below.

odrasli  General instructions for adults:
  • analiza krvi - Blood sampling time is from 7 to 9am (for the largest number of analyses)
  • analiza krvi It is necessary not to take a food for 12 hours before blood sampling (light dinner)
  • analiza krvi In the morning, before blood sampling, you should not consume cigarettes, coffee, or tea. Water is allowed.
  • analiza krvi 24 hours before blood sampling, it is necessary to avoid consuming aclohol.
  • analiza krvi Inform the laboratory assistant at the reception the possible consumption of medicines or dietary supplements.
  • analiza krvi Avoid a heavy physical activity 2-3 days before blood sampling
odrasli  General instructions for children:
  • analiza krvi Blood sampling time is from 7 to 9am (for the largest number of analyses)
  • analiza krvi For newborns and children up to 2 years old, it is recommended not to take a food at least 2-4 hours before blood sampling. Blood is taken just before the next meal.
lipidni status  Lipid blood test - Lipid status:
  • analiza krvi Blood sampling time is from 7 to 9am.
  • analiza krvi It is necessary for the patient to not take a food for 12-16 hours before blood sampling (minimum 9-12 hours), and not to consume alcohol 7 days before blood sampling (minimum 3 days).
  • analiza krvi In the morning, before blood sampling, you should not consume cigarettes, coffee, or tea. Water is allowed.
  • analiza krvi At least 2 weeks before determining the lipid status, you should not follow a diet.
  • analiza krvi Inform the laboratory assistant at the reception the possible consumption of medicines or dietary supplements.
analiza urina  Sample preparation for the complete urine testing - the first morning urine
  • pregled urina The first morning urine should be collected after an 8-hour night's rest, and at least 4 hours after the last urination during the night, before breakfast and other activities.
  • pregled urina Take the first morning urine (medium stream) in a sterile container, after performing hygiene of the urogenital region with warm water. Bring the sample to the laboratory as soon as possible (2 hours) or store it in the refrigerator until it arrives at the laboratory. (max. 4 hours).
  • pregled urina The middle stream of urine should be collected by urinating the first stream into the toilet, then about 30-50ml of urine is collected into a sterile bottle, and the excess is urinating into the toilet. The outside of the vial is wiped, the lid is tightly closed and it is delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible (max. 2 hours after urine collection or 4 hours if the urine is stored in the refrigerator).
  • pregled urina Women should not collect urine during menstruation.
  • pregled urina Avoid intense physical activity.
uzorak urina kod dece  Sample preparation for the complete urine testing – for children:
  • pregled urina Do not collect a urine sample by pouring it from the "potty" into a sterile urine bottle.
  • pregled urina For babies and small children, use Pediatric urine collection bags.
  • pregled urina In children who can carry out urine sampling like adults, perform hygiene like adults, then put a sterile bottle for urine in the front part of the potty (so that it touches the front wall), place the child on the potty.
  • pregled urina After urinating, wipe the outside of the urine bottle, tightly close the lid and deliver it to the laboratory as soon as possible (max. 2 hours, or 4 hours if the sample is stored in the refrigerator).
analiza urina  Collection of all-day urine sample - 24h urine:
  • pregled urina Keep the hygiene of the urogenital zone with warm water every time you collect urine within 24 hours.
  • pregled urina Urine should be collected in graduated, plastic bottles (2-3L) obtained from a healthcare facility or clean glass bottles, and never urinate directly into the bottle.
  • pregled urina Collected urine should be stored in a dark and cool place.
  • pregled urina If necessary, a preservative is poured into the bottle.
  • pregled urina Throw away the first portion of urine in the morning and record the time.
  • pregled urina Collect all urine during the day and night in a bottle.
  • pregled urina Put the first morning portion of urine from the next day into the bottle and complete the urine collection.
  • pregled urina Exactly 24 hours from the beginning of the collection, completely empty the bladder and combine all the urine.
  • pregled urina The patient needs to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water (about 1.5L) during those 24 hours.
analiza urina  Preparation for Glucose tolerance test (OGTT test):
  • check The test is performed in the morning, after 12-16 hours of fasting (no more than 16 hours), but with normal consumption of water and unsweetened tea.
  • check Before performing the test, the patient must not be exposed to intense physical activities.
  • check 3 days before the test, the patient must eat a normal diet or a diet saturated with carbohydrates (minimum 150 g of carbohydrates per day, e.g. bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, etc.).
  • check The test is not performed 3 days before and 3 days after menstruation, nor after a sleepless night.
  • check During the test (120-180 min), the patient should rest, not smoke, eat or drink.
  • check The test is not performed in patients suffering from diabetes or is interrupted when the glucose in the zero sample is above 8.0 mmol/L.
hormon stitne zlezde  Preparation for determination of thyroid hormones:
  • analiza krvi It is recommended that the blood be sampled in the morning (until 11 am).
  • analiza krvi It is necessary for the patient to avoid physical exertion and strain, and to take substitution therapy after blood sampling.
  • analiza krvi Avoid a higher intake of foods rich in Iodine (onions, crabs, mushrooms, eggs, pineapple).
  • analiza krvi Inform the laboratory assistant at the reception the possible consumption of medicines or dietary supplements.
analiza urina  Preparation for determination of PSA:
  • analiza krvi Before giving a blood sample, at least 3 days should pass since the last examination of the prostate (either RTG or medical ultrasonography).

vazno  IMPORTANT NOTE: after removing the needle from the vein, KEEP YOUR ARM EXTENDED AND PRESS A COTTON OVER THE INJECTION SITE FOR THE NEXT 5 MIN. in order to achieve a complete stoppage of bleeding and to avoid formation of bruises.

bakterioloska analiza urina  Preparation of patients for bacteriological analysis:
  • pregled urina It is advised that sampling for bacteriological testing be carried out before starting antibiotic therapy.
  • pregled urina If the patient has used a local antiseptic or antibiotic, at least 12 hours must pass before the sample is taken.
  • pregled urina Take a control sample after antibiotic therapy at least 5 - 7 days after the end of therapy.
  • pregled urina When taking a urine sample, after using the toilet, take a medium stream of urine. Bring the sample in a sterile container or in an uricult (Urinary Tract Infections).